Is Fix SLP a non-profit?
Fix SLP is not a non-profit. These are our reasons for not being a non-profit:
- The term "nonprofit" is a bit of a misnomer. Nonprofits can make a profit (and should try to have some level of positive revenue to build a reserve fund to ensure sustainability.) Non-profit is an IRS status, not a business model.
- Generally, members of non-profit organizations cannot separate themselves legally from the organization. Given the current uncertainty of the SLP landscape and the litigious complexities of speaking up about the questionable practices of a large, multi-million dollar association Jeanette has been counseled to protect herself legally through a limited liability corporation.
- This is a brand new platform and a work in progress. All options are on the table as we continue to navigate this work.
Why won't you start a union?
Other groups have been working to start a national union for years. We are not here to duplicate their efforts. We are here to create a firm with a clear mission: To remove the CCC from state legislation. To do that, we need grassroots lobbying and advocacy.
Who is behind Fix SLP?
Jeanette Benigas, PhD, SLP, is the owner and operator of Fix SLP. She collaborates with a team of passionate speech-language pathologists who are fully committed to advancing the mission of Fix SLP.
Can I join Fix SLP?
We offer a free online community for SLPs to connect around issues that we are discussing at Fix SLP. You can find the link on the homepage. We also invite SLPs to become sustaining partners of Fix SLP.
Where can I find the podcast?
You can find the podcast on all major podcast platforms. Transcripts are available on our website and on apps that support embedded transcriptions.