Sustaining Partner Pledge

Sustaining Partner Pledge

When we started Fix SLP in September 2023, 114 people listened to our first podcast episode in the first two days. Since then, our platform has grown to thousands of downloads and thousands of followers on social media. Our mission is to build a dynamic, grassroots advocacy firm that collaborates with SLPs across the country to strengthen our profession. Our sustaining partners help make our mission possible.

Pledge what you can! Our sustaining partner SLPs help make the work of Fix SLP possible!

Fix SLP sustaining partners make it possible for SLPs to access our team.
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      How your pledge makes a difference

      Protecting the rights of SLPs

      We track changes in state and federal legislation to monitor encroachment on SLP rights from national associations that sell certification products.

      Empowering SLPs

      We are building a team of SLPs, attorneys, and advocates dedicated to arming SLPs with the information they need to change legislation at the grassroots level (for example, removing the CCC from Medicaid requirements).

      Informing employers

      We provide PDF downloads to help employers understand the value of licensed speech-language pathology professionals and the redundancy of national certification products.

      Fighting predatory marketing

      Using our social media platforms, we openly question deceptive trade practices and predatory marketing aimed at suppressing SLPs' right to be free from optional certification products.

      Supporting state associations

      We support state associations by amplifying their messages on our podcast and social media channels.