Meltdown in Our Minivan
Don't want to cry in your car? Friend, we got you. Climb on into our Fixer minivan and meltdown (tissues not included). Rage about your job, share your SLP sorrows, heck... you can even tell us about that hot PT from your PRN job. It's like a rage room, a coffee shop and a martini bar all in one, but better!

Our Request for Fair and Accurate Pricing
On September 25th, 2024 we submitted a petition to ASHA with 5,805 sigatures to change the ASHA bylaws.
Per their own bylaws, ASHA should now adjust the membership cost accordingly to reflect the actual cost of providing member services. They are refusing to do so.
Fix SLP has engaged leagal counsel.

Join Your State Advocacy Team
Full autonomy for clinicians is essential for growth and modernization in speech-language pathology. To help move towards that goal, we are collaborating with SLPs to launch advocacy teams in every state, and aggressively pursuing changes to Medicaid regulations in the states that maintain legacy policies. These clinicians are getting boots on the ground and making grassroots changes to become CCC-free SLPs. If you are motivated to help improve your state, send us your name and state to get involved.

Become a Sustaining Partner
If our work is meaningful to you, become a sustaining partner of Fix SLP for as little as $5/month. Your support enables us to build a strong team of SLPs and attorneys to be the grassroots advocacy firm that SLPs need right now.

Fix SLP in the News
Fearless Fixer Elizabeth Nielson of Tiny Voice Therapy knew that the issues Fearless Fixers are calling out needed to be publicized to a broader community, so she called NPR. WNIJ interviewed Elizabeth, Fix SLP, and others.
Ranked in the Top 100 Business Podcasts
Every week, Jeanette, Preston and occasional guests bring you fresh takes on topics the grassroots advocacy firm is focused on.
Finally ASHActual Advocacy!
December can be such a trying time but this year it’s as if the holidays have been simmered, buttered, and glazed knowing each Monday there’s a fresh salty hour of ideas and intrigue to chew on.
Never has the world of speech pathologists been so interesting!
Through their investigations that produce impressive findings rivaling the work of hard-boiled detectives in crime novels, these podcasters see through the smoke and mirrors and find the truth between the glossy/embossed lines.
*Some listeners may experience lightheadedness or nausea after not only having your long-held suspicions and grievances finally confirmed but to also learn it’s even worse than you thought.
*Due to the pod’s tendency to elicit gasps, it is recommended to not engage in PO intake while listening and to instead satiate your hunger with the pod’s juicy food for thought.★★★★★
Lady Bored Yawnson, 12/30/2024
So Informative!
This is a must listen for SLPs! I’ve learned so much. Fix SLP has totally changed my perception of ASHA. I appreciate their hard work! I’ll keep listening and joining the good fight.
AMCC415, 12/16/2024
Eye Opening!
This podcast is sharing vital information for SLPs that is providing me with updated and accurate information regarding our profession. I’m so grateful for their work. It is NOT all about bashing ASHA and admits the benefits for many seeking certain assistance however it IS clear in its frustration for the coercive and misleading information that so many of us were taught during completion of the masters program and personally for me, for the next 10 years practicing. You won’t regret becoming more informed!
AmberEPritch, 12/05/2024