Quick Links
Ways to get involved:
- If you want to join your state advocacy team and collaborate with other clinicians, please send us your name and state.
- Join the employer education team by sending the words "employer education," job setting(s), your name, and state to let us know you are interested in helping develop state—and setting-specific employer education materials.
A Family's Guide to Advocacy with Your Child's Speech-Language Pathologist
Regulations by state:
- Medicaid provider regulations (SLP) by state
- State licensing board regulations by state (clickable map)
- Spreadsheet (original spreadsheet we shared)
- Continuing education regulations by state
CEU info:
Communicate with us:
- Leave a voice memo. Instead of crying in your car, we invite you to meltdown in our minivan. Click the link to leave a voice memo for us in 3-minutes or less. You can tell a story, leave a comment, concern, or something that you would like the powers that be for ASHA to know. We might use your recording on the Fix SLP podcast (names are always left out).
Court cases referenced in the Fix SLP podcast episode #4:
- Talone v. Am. Osteopathic Ass'n
- Bogus v. American Speech Hearing Ass'n
- Ass'n of Am. Physicians & Surgeons, Inc. v. Am. Bd. of Med. Specialties
- Can Association Membership Be Tied to Professional Certification? Talone settlement highlights the continuing risk nonprofit organizations face if they link membership to credentialing